The Mind Your Business Show

117 – Opportunity Knocks: Are You Prepared? - with Azek [Part 4]

Tahmid Nasif & Arshvyn Prakas Season 1 Episode 117

In this episode, Azek reflects on her journey as a henna artist and entrepreneur. She discusses the decision to pursue entrepreneurship full-time, her support system, and how she balances school and her business. Azek shares her thoughts on social media marketing, the importance of authenticity, and the challenges of managing a business while being anti-social-media. She emphasizes the need to always be prepared for opportunities and offers key takeaways for aspiring entrepreneurs. Tune in for valuable insights and inspiration from Azek's entrepreneurial path.

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Businesses explored






Tahmid Nasif:
Arshvyn Prakas:

Show notes:

00:30 : Thinking of the next steps, should I become a full-time entrepreneur? [Azek]

02:30 : My support system [Azek]

03:30 : Taking the pressure off of myself - i will do the business part time [Azek]

04:00:  Starting my own henna classes [Azek]

06:00 : Going with the flow, managing school and henna business [Azek]

07:00 : I am always consistent with my social marketing [Azek]

08:00 : I am anti- social-media [Arshvyn]

09:00 : Don’t use someone else’s tragedy as your marketing [Azek]

10:00 : Old-school marketing vs social media  [Azek]

11:30 : As a business owner should you put yourself out there more [Tahmid]

12:00 : A day in my life kind of videos [Azek]

13:00 : I want to make a TikTok videos [Arshvyn]

14:00 : On the way here, how many red cars did you see? [Arshvyn]

15:00 : It’s always about being prepared for opportunity [Azek]

16:00 : My one key takeaway for someone who wants to start a business.  [Azek]

19:00 : My source of knowledge and inspiration  [Azek]

20:00 : Wrap up [Azek]

As always, thank you for listening. We hope you found value in this.