The Mind Your Business Show

128 – 5 Ways to get more Customers- with Zach [Part 3]

Tahmid Nasif & Arshvyn Prakas Season 1 Episode 128

In this episode of the Mind Your Business Show, hosted by Zach, listeners get insights on avoiding busy work and ensuring appointments occur for new agents joining the industry. Key tactics for gaining more customers are explored, featuring a five-pronged approach: private outreach, content creation, paid advertisements, affiliates/marketing partners, and word of mouth. Zach shares personal experiences, emphasizing the importance of consistency and time dedication. The conversation also touches on the differences in strategies between B2B and B2C contexts, the effectiveness of roadshows and physical media for customer acquisition, and trends in the property market, particularly for first-time buyers.

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Businesses explored

Property & Sales


Tahmid Nasif:
Arshvyn Prakas:

Show notes:

00:00 Introduction to the Mind Your Business Show

00:12 Avoiding Busy Work Mode

00:19 Strategies for New Agents

00:54 The Five Ways to Get More Customers

01:58 Importance of Following Up

02:24 Dedicated Time for Outreach

04:00 Combining Sales Techniques

05:17 Starting with Referrals

06:43 Cold Market Strategies

07:19 Effectiveness of Paid Ads and Leaflets

09:53 Consistency in Client Acquisition

11:21 Finding What Works for You

11:46 Exploring Different Success Methods in Real Estate

12:35 Challenges of Content Marketing

13:35 Considering Estate Planning and Paid Ads

14:35 The Role of Roadshows in Real Estate

16:06 Debating the Best Residential Areas

19:13 Key Considerations for Buying Resale Property

As always, thank you for listening. We hope you found value in this.